WordPress tip: move all JavaScript files to the footer automatically

WordPress tip: move all JavaScript files to the footer automatically

First, open your functions.php file and paste the following code in it:

 /**  * Filter HTML code and leave allowed/disallowed tags only  *  * @param string 	$text 	Input HTML code.  * @param string 	$tags 	Filtered tags.  * @param bool 		$invert Define whether should leave or remove tags.  * @return string Filtered tags  */ function theme_strip_tags_content($text, $tags = '', $invert = false) {      preg_match_all( '/<(.+?)[s]*/?[s]*>/si', trim( $tags ), $tags );     $tags = array_unique( $tags[1] );      if ( is_array( $tags ) AND count( $tags ) > 0 ) {         if ( false == $invert ) {             return preg_replace( '@<(?!(?:'. implode( '|', $tags ) .')b)(w+)b.*?>.*?</1>@si', '', $text );         }         else {             return preg_replace( '@<('. implode( '|', $tags ) .')b.*?>.*?</1>@si', '', $text );         }     }     elseif ( false == $invert ) {         return preg_replace( '@<(w+)b.*?>.*?</1>@si', '', $text );     }      return $text; }  /**  * Generate script tags from given source code  *  * @param string $source HTML code.  * @return string Filtered HTML code with script tags only  */ function theme_insert_js($source) {      $out = '';      $fragment = new DOMDocument();     $fragment->loadHTML( $source );      $xp = new DOMXPath( $fragment );     $result = $xp->query( '//script' );      $scripts = array();     $scripts_src = array();     foreach ( $result as $key => $el ) {         $src = $result->item( $key )->attributes->getNamedItem( 'src' )->value;         if ( ! empty( $src ) ) {             $scripts_src[] = $src;         } else {             $type = $result->item( $key )->attributes->getNamedItem( 'type' )->value;             if ( empty( $type ) ) {                 $type = 'text/javascript';             }              $scripts[$type][] = $el->nodeValue;         }     }      //used by inline code and rich snippets type like application/ld+json     foreach ( $scripts as $key => $value ) {         $out .= '<script type="'.$key.'">';          foreach ( $value as $keyC => $valueC ) {             $out .= "n".$valueC;         }          $out .= '</script>';     }      //external script     foreach ( $scripts_src as $value ) {         $out .= '<script src="'.$value.'"></script>';     }      return $out; } 

Once done, edit your header.php file. Replace the wp_head() tag by this:

 <?php ob_start(); wp_head(); $themeHead = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); define( 'HEAD_CONTENT', $themeHead );  $allowedTags = '<style><link><meta><title>'; print theme_strip_tags_content( HEAD_CONTENT, $allowedTags ); ?> 

And finally, place the code below into your footer.php file, just before the closing </body> tag.

 <?php theme_insert_js( HEAD_CONTENT ); ?> 

Credit: Tomasz Dobrynski.

For more information and tips about speeding up your WordPress blog, check out this article I wrote on Cats Who Code: Google PageSpeed Insights: How I fixed my slow website

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